I am working with Php and Rest Api, i am trying encode data (fetching from database) using foreach loop,but data is not displaying as expected,”result” is showing three time instead of one,Here is my current code
$users = Services::all();
$result = array();
foreach ($users as $item) {
$data = array('result' => array('image' => $item['image']));
array_push($result, $data);
echo json_encode($result);
Here is my current output
But i want “result” should display one time and other data (image) display multiple times (using loop)
Actually, for each item you are adding a result:item pair.
If I understand well, what you want is {result:{pair1,pair2,…,pairN}} with a pair beeing {image:data}
To do so, you have two options :
First you can create your pair list and add it to the final array with the key result.
To do so your code may look like this :
$users = Services::all();
$data_array = array();
foreach ($users as $item) {
array_push($data_array, array('image' => $item['image']));
$result = array('result' => $data_array);
echo json_encode($result);
Second (and maybe best solution for ressource usage) you can add your data to a preinitialised array with the key “result”, like this :
$users = Services::all();
$result_array = array('result' => array());
foreach ($users as $item) {
array_push($result_array['result'], array('image' => $item['image']));
echo json_encode($result_array);
Haven’t tested my code but the main idea is here.
ADD: The first one is just a redundant version of the second one, but it is useful to have the two code side by side to understand the difference, or to use them for different purpose.