I am using Laravel Mail function to send email. The following is my app/config/mail.php
file settings.
'driver' => 'sendmail',
'host' => 'smtp.gmail.com',
'port' => 587,
'from' => array('address' => 'email@gmail.com', 'name' => 'MyName'),
'encryption' => 'tls',
'username' => 'myUsername',
'password' => "password",
'sendmail' => '/usr/sbin/sendmail -bs',
'pretend' => false,
Controller Mail Method
//Send Mail
Mail::send('sendMail', array('key' => 'value'), function($message)
$message->to('EmailId@hotmail.com', 'Sender Name')->subject('Welcome!');
When I run the code it gives me following error message:
Expected response code 220 but got code “”, with message “”
I have created a SendMail.php
file in view which contains some data.
How do I resolve this error message?
This problem can generally occur when you do not enable two step verification for the gmail
account (which can be done here) you are using to send an email
. So first, enable two step verification
, you can find plenty of resources for enabling two step verification. After you enable it, then you have to create an app password
. And use the app password
in your .env
file. When you are done with it, your .env
file will look something like.
MAIL_USERNAME=<<your email address>>
MAIL_PASSWORD=<<app password>>
and your mail.php
return [
'driver' => env('MAIL_DRIVER', 'smtp'),
'host' => env('MAIL_HOST', 'smtp.gmail.com'),
'port' => env('MAIL_PORT', 587),
'from' => ['address' => '<<your email>>', 'name' => '<<any name>>'],
'encryption' => env('MAIL_ENCRYPTION', 'tls'),
'username' => env('MAIL_USERNAME'),
'password' => env('MAIL_PASSWORD'),
'sendmail' => '/usr/sbin/sendmail -bs',
'pretend' => false,
After doing so, run php artisan config:cache
and php artisan config:clear
, then check, email should work.