This is my code:
<?php require 'paypal/autoload.php'; define('URL_SITIO', 'http://localhost:8083/gdlwebcamp(UltimoProyecto AVANZADO)'); $apiContext = new PayPalRestApiContext( new PayPalAuthOAuthTokenCredential( 'ClienteID', 'Secret' ) ); //Redireccionar $redireccionar = new RedirectUrls(); $redireccionar->setReturnUrl(URL_SITIO . "/pago-finalizado.php?exito=true&id_pago={$ID_registro}") ->setCancelUrl(URL_SITIO . "/pago-finalizado.php?exito=false&id_pago={$ID_registro}"); //Procesar el PAGO $pago = new Payment(); $pago->setIntent("sale") ->setPayer($compra) ->setRedirectUrls($redireccionar) ->setTransactions(array($transaccion)); try { $pago->create($apiContext); } catch (PaypalExceptionPaypalConnectionException $pce) { echo "<pre>"; print_r(json_decode($pce->getData())); exit; echo "</pre>"; } $aprobado = $pago->getApprovalLink(); header("Location: {$aprobado}");
I read around there that it could be the backslashes but I have them well and also that it could be the localhost but I also did a basic test previously, and it worked, and now in the project I’m working on it doesn’t work.
Try to set your properties like this (change to your real domain):
$redireccionar->setReturnUrl("https://MYDAMAIN.COM/pago-finalizado.php?exito=true&id_pago={$ID_registro}") ->setCancelUrl("https://MYDAMAIN.COM/pago-finalizado.php?exito=false&id_pago={$ID_registro}");
Or make sure that your constant URL_SITIO
does represent the full qualified domain.