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Docker – How to disable PHP ext / modules

I am working on a PHP API and I would like to disable unused php Modules inside my PHP-FPM image, such as “sqlite3, pdo ..”.

I am a docker beginner and I would like to know if is there anything similar to docker-php-ext-enable if not what is the best practice for disabling unused php modules.



Finally I found the key point.

Inside docker php container, all the registered modules holds by a configuration file under the below path.


bash into the container:

docker exec -it php_container_name bash

You can list all the enabled modules by php -m:

And cd into that folder, you can see the relating config files:

cd /usr/local/etc/php/conf.d/

# output
docker-php-ext-mcrypt.ini  docker-php-ext-mysqli.ini    
docker-php-ext-opcache.ini  opcache-recommended.ini  

To disable some extension module, make a dir disabled, and move that .ini file inside it, for example:

mkdir disabled
mv docker-php-ext-opcache.ini disabled
mv opcache-recommended.ini

Finally, press Ctrl+D to exit the container, and then restart the container to make changes work.

docker restart php_container_name

You can get into the container and run php -m to see, the relating extension is gone.

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