Is there a WooCommerce add_action to display the full product description, this is the text found in the main text edit window (not the Product short description)
After a quick google search I was only able to find advice on adding the short description. The woocommerce_template_single_excerpt
I’m trying to add it after the woocommerce_show_product_saleflash
The light-box php is shown below.
<?php do_action( 'woocommerce_before_single_product_lightbox_summary' ); ?> </div> <div class="product-info summary large-6 col entry-summary" style="font- size:90%;"> <div class="product-lightbox-inner" style="padding: 30px;"> <a class="plain" href="<?php echo the_permalink();?>"><h1><?php the_title(); ?></h1></a> <div class="is-divider small"></div> <div><?php the_content(); ?></div> <?php do_action( 'woocommerce_single_product_lightbox_summary' ); ?> </div> </div><!-- .summary --> </div><!-- #product-<?php the_ID(); ?> --> </div><!-- product-container --> </div> <?php do_action('wc_quick_view_after_single_product'); ?>
The full product description is set in a tab, so the corresponding template is located in:
You can unset easily this tab: Editing product data tabs (Removing tabs)
Then you can add this code anywhere, using any hook (the code from description.php template):
<?php the_content(); ?>
You can also use:
global $post; echo $post->post_content;
Or (if the WC_Product object is available):
global $product; echo $product->get_description();