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Disable all payments gateway if there’s specifics products in the Cart

I would like to disable all payments gateways under special situation:
I’ve 2 special products that I don’t want to be combined at checkout with any other product.

Lets say that my “special” products IDs are 496 and 484. All other are “normal” products.

  1. if one of these “special” products is in the cart, I want to disable “paypal” for example.

  2. if a customer has in his cart, at once, a “special” product and a “normal” product, I want to disable all the payments gateway, so he can’t checkout.

This is my code:


But I can’t figure out why the only first if statement works… In other words whatever the situation, all payment gateways are disabled except under-review payment gateway.

What I am doing wrong?
How can I achieve this?




Updated for WooCommerce 3+

First I think that in_array( $values['product_id'] ) in your code is not working as a correct condition and so your else statement is never “true”. Then as a customer can have many items in his cart, depending on customer successive choices, with your code there will be many redundant gateway unsets

Here it is your code revisited (you will need to put the desire unset gateways in each statement):


Naturally this code goes on functions.php file of your active child theme or theme.

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