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Run only one unit test from a test suite in laravel

Using phpunit command Laravel will run all unit tests in our project. How to run one or specific Unit Tests in Laravel 5.1?

I just want to run testFindToken from my test suite.


use Mockery as m;
use AppModelsAccessToken;
use IlluminateFoundationTestingWithoutMiddleware;

class AccessTokenRepositoryTest extends TestCase
    use WithoutMiddleware;

    public function setUp()

        $this->accessToken = factory(AccessToken::class);
        $this->repo_AccessToken = app()->make('AppRepositoriesAccessTokenRepository');

    public function testFindToken()
        $model = $this->accessToken->make();
        $model_accessToken = $this->repo_AccessToken->findToken($model->id);
        $this->assertInstanceOf(IlluminateDatabaseEloquentModel::class, $model);
        $this->assertNotNull(true, $model_accessToken);



Use this command to run a specific test from your test suite.

phpunit --filter {TestMethodName}

If you want to be more specific about your file then pass the file path as a second argument

phpunit --filter {TestMethodName} {FilePath}


phpunit --filter testExample path/to/filename.php


If you have a function named testSave and another function named testSaveAndDrop and you pass testSave to the --filter like so

phpunit --filter testSave

it will also run testSaveAndDrop and any other function that starts with testSave*

it is basically a sub-string match. If you want to exclude all other methods then use $ end of string token like so

phpunit --filter '/testSave$/'
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