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DateTime with microseconds

In my code, I’m using DateTime objects to manipulate dates, then convert them to timestamp in order to save them in some JSON files.

For some reasons, I want to have the same thing as DateTime (or something close), but with microseconds precision (that I would convert to float when inserting inside the JSON files).

My question is : is there a PHP object that is like DateTime, but can handle microseconds too ?

The goal is to be able to manipulate microtimes with objects.

In the date() documentation, there is something that indicates that DateTime can be created with microseconds, but I wasn’t able to find how.

u Microseconds (added in PHP 5.2.2). Note that date() will always generate 000000 since it takes an integer parameter, whereas DateTime::format() does support microseconds if DateTime was created with microseconds.

I have tried to set the timestamp of a DateTime object with a floating value (microtime(true)), but it doesn’t work (I think it converts the timestamp to an int, causing the loss of the microseconds).

Here is how i tried


The .4 is not taken into account as you can see here (even though we can use the u format, which corresponds to the microseconds).


EDIT : I saw this code, which allows to add microseconds to a DateTime, but I would need to apply a lot of modifications to the microtime before creating the DateTime. Since I will use this a lot, I want to do as little modifications to the microtime as possible before getting the “microtime object”.




/! EDIT /!

I now use, the rest of this answer is just here for historical reasons.


I decided to extend the class DateTime using the tips you all gave me.

The constructor takes a float (from microtime) or nothing (in this case it will be initialized with the current “micro-timestamp”). I also overrided 2 functions that were important : setTimestamp and getTimestamp.

Unfortunately, I couldn’t solve the performances issue, although it’s not as slow as I thought.

Here’s the whole class :

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