so a bit of background. I am making a GRAPHQL call to shopify’s graphQL api. I am getting data back (yay!) and it is correct (double yay!!), unfortunately I cannot then do very much with the data other than look at it – I cannot iterate through it with regular JSON syntax. My plan is to then have the data be put into javascript generated HTML elements to display to the user e.g. generate a list with the titles/pictures of the products.
Without further ado, my code.
Step 1: a JS function to respond to my keypresses and run an async fetch:
function ajaxProductSearch(shopCode){
let devSearch = document.getElementById('product_search_dev');
devSearch.addEventListener("keyup", () => {
shopCode = document.querySelector(" input").value;
showGraphQL(shopCode, devSearch.value);
Step 2: my async fetch call to the php script
async function showGraphQL(shopCode, search){
const response = await fetch(`../models/ajaxcall.php?shop=${shopCode}&searchString=${search}`);
const graphQL = await response.json();
Step 3: my php script itself running the graphQL call, done with curl
3a: The curl function
function graphQLCall($qry, $endpoint, $flag=''){
$headers = array();
$headers[] = 'Content-Type: application/graphql';
$headers[] = 'X-Shopify-Access-Token: '.$authToken;
$ch = curl_init();
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $endpoint);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $qry);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $headers);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_Header, 1);
$result = curl_exec($ch);
if (curl_errno($ch)) {
echo 'Error:' . curl_error($ch);
$graphQL = json_decode($result);
if($flag == ''){
return $graphQL;
} elseif($flag == 'flag'){
return $result;
3b: the code that preps the query for the graphQL func $query1 uses the $_POST[] to get the $searchString from the front end to the backend
$query1 = '{
products(first: 25, query: "title:'.$searchString.'") {
edges {
node {
$mediaID = graphQLCall($query1, $endpoint);
$query1 is passed through the graphQLCall() and then its response, which is the id of the product is then passed into a 2nd query to then call the product itself: 3b of the php script:
foreach($mediaID->data->products->edges as $a){
// echo $a->node->id;
$query2 = '{
product(id: "'.$a->node->id.'") {
images(first:1) {
edges {
node {
array_push($graphQLArray, $query2);
It then pushes the response into an array, so I am left with an array full of queries with the correct product id. Next that array is iterated through in order to call the products themselves. 4b of php script:
$restCallArray = array();
foreach($graphQLArray as $t){
array_push($restCallArray, graphQLCall($t, $endpoint, "flag"));
$json = json_encode($restCallArray);
The final step in my php script is to print_r($json);
after which it is then processed by my async showGraphQL() function; written above.
My async fetch responds with something like this when I post to innerHTML:
{"data":{"product":{"id":"gid://shopify/Product/6736442654756","title":"Cactus Sneaker Women","images":{"edges":[{"node":{"originalSrc":"","id":"gid://shopify/ProductImage/28632222433316"}}]}}},"extensions":{"cost":{"requestedQueryCost":4,"actualQueryCost":4,"throttleStatus":{"maximumAvailable":2000.0,"currentlyAvailable":1996,"restoreRate":100.0}}}},{"data":{"product":{"id":"gid://shopify/Product/6736442687524","title":"Cactus Sneaker Men","images":{"edges":[{"node":{"originalSrc":"","id":"gid://shopify/ProductImage/28632226070564"}}]}}},"extensions":{"cost":{"requestedQueryCost":4,"actualQueryCost":4,"throttleStatus":{"maximumAvailable":2000.0,"currentlyAvailable":1996,"restoreRate":100.0}}}}
The above response is totally correct but, the problem occurs when I try to place it in a html element like: graphQL[i]
I receive undefined
That is my problem that I am unable to correctly iterate through what appears to be a JSON.
I am new to graphQL and to using API’s in general so appreciate any help and apologize that its so longwinded, I hope the question/problem is clear and that the code is presented clearly too.
- Boogabooga
So in case anyone finds this later and runs into the same problem. Going off of what @morganney said, I was receiving an Object. So by my logic, which is not the logic you want to lead you into battle but whatever, I need to parse this object into a JSON using JSON.parse()
so. I did NOT change my PHP script but rather my JS async graphQL()
This is my edited async GraphQL() func
async function showGraphQL(shopCode, search){
const response = await fetch(`../models/ajaxcall.php?shop=${shopCode}&searchString=${search}`);
const graphQL = await response.json();
for(let i = 0; i < graphQL.length; i++){
let graphQLJSON = JSON.parse(graphQL[i]);
Confusingly, I loop through my graphQL
variable, and call JSON.parse(graphQL[i])
on it, I am then able to console.log specific values of the now JSON.
I hope this helps someone someday and thanks to the people who commented.
- Boogabooga