So I am using my cmd on my laravel folder and I tried to do (php artisan migrate:install). 2 errors came up.
[PDOException] SQLSTATE[HY000] [2006] MySQL server has gone away
[ErrorException] PDO::__construct(): MySQL server has gone away
Can anyone please explain what I did wrong?
This is not a Laravel issue, but a general MySQL Issue. Maybe the server is not running. Are you sure you’re running MySQL in the background?
Check this link: MySQL Gone Away
Do the following checks in your system:
- The Database Engine is running
- You have created your database
- You have created an user and granted permissions to the database
- You have setup the user and the database in your Laravel’s .env file.
After this, try to run the migrations command again, which is:
php artisan migrate
As explained Here
Let us know if that helps :).