How to make the replaced word bold and underline when using TemplateProcessor in PHPWord? Found solutions are very old (2016).
I tried to create my function, to edit xml document, but done file is crashing.
My code:
$path = public_path()."/example/dogovor.docx"; $document = new TemplateProcessor($path); $document->setValue('student-name', 'Alex'); $document->saveAs(public_path("documents/test.docx"));
Tried this function:
private function makeWordBold($str, $hex=null, $style='b'): string { $cor = $hex ? "<w:color w:val='".$hex."'/>" : ""; $before="/w:t/w:r<w:r><w:rPr>".$cor."<w:".$style."/>/w:rPr<w:t xml:space='preserve'>"; $after='/w:t/w:r<w:r><w:t>'; return $before.$str.$after; }
$path = public_path()."/example/dogovor.docx"; $document = new TemplateProcessor($path); $word = new TextRun(); $word->addText('Alex', array('underline' => 'single', 'bold' => true)); $document->setComplexValue('student-name', $word); $document->saveAs(public_path("documents/test.docx"));