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WordPress taxonomy last child separated by “en” instead of comma

I’m trying to create a shortcode that outputs my custom taxonomies, separated by a comma, but i want the last comma to be “en” instead of a comma. So like this:

taxonomy, taxonomy, taxonomy en taxonomy

So far i have this:

// Assortiment shortcode

function verlichting_type( ){
    $terms = get_the_terms( $post->ID, 'verlichting_type' );
                foreach($terms as $term) {
                    $entry_terms .= $term->name . ', ';
                $entry_terms = rtrim( $entry_terms, ', ' );
            return '<span class="verlichting__type"> ' . $entry_terms . ' </span>';
add_shortcode( 'verlichting_type', 'verlichting_type' );



As I dont have an example of the $terms or $entry_terms variable I had to make up some dummy data, but I think you should be able to extract my example and place it into your code.

I made use of the ternary operator ( to determine whether or not the final comma should be ‘,’ or ‘en’:


function verlichting_type() {
    $entry_terms = "";

    $terms = [
        (object)['name' => 'taxonomy'],
        (object)['name' => 'taxonomy'],
        (object)['name' => 'taxonomy'],
        (object)['name' => 'taxonomy']
    echo '<span class="verlichting__type">';
    foreach ( $terms as $index => $term) {
        $enIndex = sizeof($terms) - 2;
        $end = (isset($terms[$enIndex]) && $index == $enIndex ? ' en ' : ', ');
        $entry_terms .= $term->name . $end;
    $entry_terms = rtrim( $entry_terms, ', ' );
    return $entry_terms . '</span>';

This outputs:

<span class="verlichting__type">taxonomy, taxonomy, taxonomy en taxonomy</span>

This should work with any array length, e.g. if $terms only has 2 elements:

<span class="verlichting__type">taxonomy en taxonomy</span>

Or 1 element:

<span class="verlichting__type">taxonomy</span>
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