I am using the wordpress function media_sideload_image to upload images from an external link like below:
$url = 'http://pinnaclepublic.pinewoodsa.co.za/vehicles/plugins/ViewImage.aspx?guid=F92A44F3-71AC-4B2C-8BC4-8CC53578B722&VehicleId=101887&ImageNumber=1&Size=3';
$post_id = 101;
media_sideload_image ($url,$post_id);
But I get the error:
WP_Error Object
[errors] => Array
[image_sideload_failed] => Array
[0] => Invalid image URL
[error_data] => Array
Question: How can I make media_sideload_image, work properly with this particular url which I cannot change.
Its a problem with the URL. The file module of WordPress can’t recognize any file extension from the URL you’re giving it. And hence throws this error. Have a look at the source code of this function https://developer.wordpress.org/reference/functions/media_sideload_image/
I was facing this problem for the past hour. After severe headache, I was able to use a hack around it.
All you got to do is append some random Query Param at the end of the URL that equals to the “.jpeg” or “.png”.
$url = 'http://pinnaclepublic.pinewoodsa.co.za/vehicles/plugins/ViewImage.aspx?guid=F92A44F3-71AC-4B2C-8BC4-8CC53578B722&VehicleId=101887&ImageNumber=1&Size=3';
$url_with_pseudo_extension = $url . '?ext=.jpeg'
This will let the URL walk out safely from the file module without throwing any errors.