My website is using map functionalities that slow the whole site down dramatically.
I can dequeue them from the entire site with this add_action function:
add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', function() { wp_dequeue_script( 'mylisting-google-maps' ); wp_dequeue_script( 'google-maps' ); wp_dequeue_style( 'mylisting-google-maps' ); wp_dequeue_script( 'mylisting-mapbox' ); wp_dequeue_script( 'mapbox-gl' ); wp_dequeue_style( 'mapbox-gl' ); }, 99 );
My goal now is to dequeue these scripts on all but one page “/add-listing” where I need them so that users can still input their location.
Any tips on how to do that?
So, you can use something like that:
add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', function() { if (!is_page('add-listing') { wp_dequeue_script( 'mylisting-google-maps' ); wp_dequeue_script( 'google-maps' ); wp_dequeue_style( 'mylisting-google-maps' ); wp_dequeue_script( 'mylisting-mapbox' ); wp_dequeue_script( 'mapbox-gl' ); wp_dequeue_style( 'mapbox-gl' ); } }, 99 );