Using the answer provided in this thread (Woocommerce: How to show Product Attribute name on title when in a category page and “filtering” products via ‘?pa_attribute=’ on address bar) I would like to display the category as well as the attribute name. I have a separate JS function that is currently updating the page_title when a filter is applied but that is only loading after ajax has finished. So in this event it would not load till after the filter is applied.
In the event that a user uses the nav to get to the category, currently only the attribute is displaying in the page_title. Looking to also display the category. I believe this would work out of the box if I organized my products in to subcategories but due to how the filtering is being set up I elected not to go this route. I can explain in further detail why I had to take this approach if anyone is interested.
I have left the commented out code in so that you can see the approach I was attempting to take. If this is confusing can edit it out.
add_filter( 'woocommerce_page_title', 'custom_woocommerce_page_title', 15, 2 ); function custom_woocommerce_page_title( $page_title ) { if ( is_archive() ) { $exists_attr = false; foreach ( $_GET as $index => $value ) { if ( substr( $index, 0, 3 ) === 'pa_' ) { //$cat_id = wc_category_taxonomy_id_by_name( $index ); $attr_id = wc_attribute_taxonomy_id_by_name( $index ); if ( $attr_id === 0 && $cat_id ) { continue; } if ( ! $exists_attr /* && ! $exists_cat */) { $exists_attr = true; //$exists_cat = true; $page_title .= ' '; } else { $page_title .= ' '; } //$terms = get_the_terms( $post->ID, 'product_cat' ); $term = get_term_by( 'slug', esc_html( $value ), $index ); $page_title = /*$terms->name . ': ' . */ $term->name; } } } // Need to add category name after attribute term name. return $page_title; }
Also, I have included the JS I am using to apply page_title in the event a filter selection occurs. Ideally it would be great if I could handle it all via a JS file as I am much more familiar with JS and just starting to dive in to php. I am using the WOOF – WooCommerce Products Filter and modifying some of the code to accomplish what I need.
(function() { var machineEl = document.getElementsByClassName('woof_select woof_select_pa_machine')[0]; var processEl = document.getElementsByClassName('woof_select woof_select_pa_processing')[0]; var optionMachine = machineEl.querySelector("option[selected='selected']"); var optionProcess = processEl.querySelector("option[selected='selected']"); var machineValue = optionMachine.innerHTML; var processValue = optionProcess.innerHTML; var result = document.getElementsByClassName('woocommerce-products-header__title page-title')[0]; if (machineValue != 'Product Machine' && processValue != 'Product Processing') { result.innerHTML = machineValue + " " + processValue; } else if (machineValue != 'Product Machine') { result.innerHTML = machineValue; } else if (processValue != 'Product Processing') { result.innerHTML = processValue; } })()
So was able to get this to work by taking my JS and adding it in as a script within my functions.php. So essentially I was able to eliminate the custom_woocommerce_page_title filter.
<?php add_action('wp_footer', 'onLoadPageTitle'); function onLoadPageTitle() { ?> <script> machineEl = document.getElementsByClassName('woof_select woof_select_pa_machine')[0]; processEl = document.getElementsByClassName('woof_select woof_select_pa_processing')[0]; optionMachine = machineEl.querySelector("option[selected='selected']"); optionProcess = processEl.querySelector("option[selected='selected']"); if (optionMachine != null) { machineValue = optionMachine.innerHTML; } else { machineValue = ""; } if (optionProcess != null) { processValue = optionProcess.innerHTML; } else { processValue = ""; } result = document.getElementsByClassName('woocommerce-products-header__title page-title')[0]; result.innerHTML = machineValue + " " + processValue; </script> <?php } ?>
Then the woof woocommerce filter js that updates the title when a new select occurs after the AJAX.
(function() { machineEl = document.getElementsByClassName('woof_select woof_select_pa_machine')[0]; processEl = document.getElementsByClassName('woof_select woof_select_pa_processing')[0]; optionMachine = machineEl.querySelector("option[selected='selected']"); optionProcess = processEl.querySelector("option[selected='selected']"); if (optionMachine != null) { machineValue = optionMachine.innerHTML; } else { machineValue = ""; } if (optionProcess != null) { processValue = optionProcess.innerHTML; } else { processValue = ""; } result = document.getElementsByClassName('woocommerce-products-header__title page-title')[0]; result.innerHTML = machineValue + " " + processValue; })()
will probably pare it down by just calling the script function from within the woof js after ajax.