I have the following table structures:
1 – Course(course_id, course_nam, language, course_price, create_date, average_rating, category, course_description, certifica_price, course_creator_id)
2 – Student(student_id, wallet)
3 – Discount(discount_id, discounted_course_id, allower_course_creator_id, is_allowed, start_date, end_date, percentage)
4 – Enrolls(student_id, course_id, purchased_price, purchase_date)
I want to write a query which will return every course of a course creator with id=$person_id along with the followings:
1 – If there is a discount on that course, and if the current date is between the start_date and end_date of that discount, the price of the course will be reduced according to the percentage.
2 – Number of students who has enrolled in that course. If there is no such student, 0.
3 – Course_id, course_name, average_rating, the discount percentage, and the price.
I have the following query
SELECT C.course_id, C.course_name, C.average_rating, total_student, D.percentage, (CASE WHEN CURRENT_DATE >= D.start_date AND CURRENT_DATE < D.end_date AND D.is_allowed THEN C.course_price * (( 100 - D.percentage ) / 100) ELSE C.course_price END) as price FROM course C LEFT OUTER JOIN discount D ON C.course_id = D.discounted_course_id, (SELECT course_id, COUNT(student_id) AS total_student FROM enrolls WHERE course_id IN (SELECT course_id FROM course WHERE course_creator_id = '$person_id') GROUP BY course_id) course_student WHERE course_student.course_id = C.course_id
When student, discount, enrolls tables are empty, the query does not return anything. I want it to return Course information with total_student = 0 (or null), percentage = 0 (or null, does not matter), price (original price of the course).
Try doing something like this
SELECT C.course_id, C.course_name, C.average_rating, total_student, D.percentage, (CASE WHEN CURRENT_DATE >= D.start_date AND CURRENT_DATE < D.end_date AND D.is_allowed THEN C.course_price * (( 100 - D.percentage ) / 100) ELSE C.course_price END) as price FROM course C LEFT OUTER JOIN discount D ON C.course_id = D.discounted_course_id LEFT JOIN ( SELECT course_id, COUNT(student_id) AS total_student FROM enrolls WHERE course_id IN ( SELECT course_id FROM course WHERE course_creator_id = '$person_id') ON C.course_id = course_student.course_id GROUP BY course_id) course_student