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Why Apache RewriteRule treats the same way with ‘&’ and ‘?’

I’m trying to code a custom rewrite rule for ‘.htaccess’ file in my Apache webserver.

The main idea is to handle requests in the form:


to ‘index.php’ file in the www_root:


As everyone knows, this is easy to do. Just by adding below lines to ‘.htaccess’ file:


But the problem is that when we want to add another query string to the request, for example as follows:


contrary to my expectations, the following URL does the same:


I don’t want the second case (in which second query string starts with ‘&’) to be executed. Also, if you write in ‘index.php’ file:


then, the output of both URLs ( and will be unique:


Can anyone explain what’s wrong with my codes in ‘.htaccess’ file? Thanks.



After above discussion, apache2 does not handle & and ? in the same way. “?” is separator of URL from QUERY_STRING, but & is a normal character as part of URL matched by apache2 RewriteRule.

In pattern of, URL is only matched by RewriteRule in .htaccess file, it’s the string after the hostname and port if given, and before the query string ref., without the leading slash /.

Be careful, in apache2 configuration files vhosts.conf or alike, read when apache2 server starts, RewriteRule mathches against /URL string (yes with the leading slash).

The OP’s case is just a chance, not general rule. I’ve tested this for the solution by triggering a 404 Not Found error if & is involved in URL:

JavaScript will yield a 404 error.

%{REQUEST_FILENAME} is better than %{REQUEST_URI}.

The character range [^&] means any character but not &. With regex ^([^&]*)$, we select a string containing no & from beginning represented by ^, to the end reprerented by $, so & sign free.

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