I used a guide to redirect session requests to a DB call so I could maintain a session on front and backend PHP (this guide: from : https://culttt.com/2013/02/04/how-to-save-php-sessions-to-a-database/), but that leaves me with a question.
I can see that the session data is stored JSON in the db. Near as I can tell, that means every time I update $_SESSION data, the db is being called and sending the entire $_SESSION var back and forth.
Normally, I would store things in $_SESSION to ease calls to the db, but with DB sessions, that seems like it would make it far worse than normal. Or is using $_SESSION still pretty fast/memory only when reading and not writing?
For example, normally I’d get a user like this:
function get_user(userID) {
if ($_SESSION['users'][userID]) return $_SESSION['users'][userID];
$db = db_connect();
$db->exec("SELECT * FROM users WHERE userID = ?",[userID]);
$temp = $_SESSION['users'][userID] = $db->get_row();
return $temp;
Point being, would it now be faster to just do the db call every time?
I’m accepting this comment (pasted as an answer) as the answer (credit to IncredibleHat):
If you only have a few thousand users, you won’t notice much of a difference in use. However if you are talking millions of users, then the constant get/store of the session data to a db table could start to show (by like an extra half second depending on your server). – IncredibleHat