I use a drop down menu to select between two user roles on my Woocommerce registration form. After updating to Woocommerce 3.0.8 the drop down menu stopped working and I cannot figure out why. Below is the code I’ve been using. Any ideas?
// Add two new roles. add_role('dealer', 'Dealer', array( 'delete_posts' => false, 'delete_published_posts' => false, 'edit_posts' => false, 'edit_published_posts' => false, 'publish_posts' => false, 'read' => true, 'upload_files' => true, 'edit_users' => false )); add_role('distributor', 'Distributor', array( 'delete_posts' => false, 'delete_published_posts' => false, 'edit_posts' => false, 'edit_published_posts' => false, 'publish_posts' => false, 'read' => true, 'upload_files' => true, 'edit_users' => false )); add_action('register_form','role_registration_form'); function role_registration_form(){ $wp_roles = new WP_Roles(); $wp_roles->use_db = true; $role_names = $wp_roles->get_names(); foreach( $role_names as $role_name ) { // Ensure that the options exclude default WordPress roles if ( ($role_name !== 'Administrator') and ($role_name !== 'Editor') and ($role_name !== 'Author') and ($role_name !== 'Contributor' ) and ($role_name !== 'Subscriber') and ($role_name !== 'Customer') and ($role_name !== 'Shop Manager')) { // Role value below needs to be in lowercase only $role_option .= "<option value='".strtolower($role_name)."'>"; $role_option .= $role_name; $role_option .= "</option>"; } } $html = ' <style type="text/css"> #role { background:#FBFBFB none repeat scroll 0 0; border:1px solid #E5E5E5; font-size:15px; color:#3a3a3a; margin-bottom:16px; margin-right:6px; margin-top:2px; padding:3px; width:35%; } </style> <div width="100%"> <p> <label style="display: block; margin-bottom: 5px;">' . __('Are you a Dealer or Distributor?', 'Role') . ' <select id="role" name="role" class="input"> ' . $role_option . ' </select> </label> </p> </div> '; echo $html; } add_action('user_register', 'register_role'); function register_role($user_id, $password="", $meta=array()) { $userdata = array(); $userdata['ID'] = $user_id; $userdata['role'] = $_POST['role']; // allow if a role is selected if ( $userdata['role'] ){ wp_update_user($userdata); } } add_action( 'show_user_profile', 'role_selection_field' ); add_action( 'edit_user_profile', 'role_selection_field' ); function role_selection_field( $user ) { $wp_roles = new WP_Roles(); $wp_roles->use_db = true; $role_names = $wp_roles->get_names(); foreach( $role_names as $role_name ) { if ( ($role_name !== 'Administrator') and ($role_name !== 'Editor') and ($role_name !== 'Author') and ($role_name !== 'Contributor' ) and ($role_name !== 'Subscriber') and ($role_name !== 'Customer') and ($role_name !== 'Shop Manager')) { if ( !empty( $user->roles ) && is_array( $user->roles ) ) { foreach ( $user->roles as $role ) { if ( strtolower($role_name) == $role ) { $role_option .= "<option value='".strtolower($role_name)."' selected='selected'>"; $currentrole = strtolower($role_name); } else { $role_option .= "<option value='".strtolower($role_name)."'>"; } $role_option .= $role_name; $role_option .= "</option>"; } } } } ?> <?php } add_action( 'personal_options_update', 'save_role_selection_field' ); add_action( 'edit_user_profile_update', 'save_role_selection_field' ); function save_role_selection_field( $user_id ) { //if ( !current_user_can( 'edit_user', $user_id ) ) { return false; } update_user_meta( $user_id, 'role', $_POST['role'] ); $user = new WP_User( $user_id ); // Remove role $current_user_role = get_current_user_role(); $user->remove_role( $current_user_role ); // Add role $user->add_role( $_POST['role'] ); } function get_current_user_role () { global $current_user; get_currentuserinfo(); $user_roles = $current_user->roles; $user_role = array_shift($user_roles); return $user_role; }; ?>
I decided to scrap the old code and replaced it with the following code and it works now.
/* To add WooCommerce registration form custom fields. */ function WC_extra_registation_fields() {?> <p class="form-row form-row-first"> <label for="reg_role"><?php _e( 'Dealer or Distributor', 'woocommerce' ); ?></label> <select class="input-text" name="role" id="reg_role"> <option <?php if ( ! empty( $_POST['role'] ) && $_POST['role'] == 'dealer') esc_attr_e( 'selected' ); ?> value="dealer">Dealer</option> <option <?php if ( ! empty( $_POST['role'] ) && $_POST['role'] == 'distributor') esc_attr_e( 'selected' ); ?> value="distributor">Distributor</option> </select> </p> <?php } add_action( 'woocommerce_register_form', 'WC_extra_registation_fields'); /* To validate WooCommerce registration form custom fields. */ function WC_validate_reg_form_fields($username, $email, $validation_errors) { if (isset($_POST['role']) && empty($_POST['role']) ) { $validation_errors->add('role_error', __('Dealer or Distributor is required!', 'woocommerce')); } return $validation_errors; } add_action('woocommerce_register_post', 'WC_validate_reg_form_fields', 10, 3); /* To save WooCommerce registration form custom fields. */ function WC_save_registration_form_fields($customer_id) { //Role field if (isset($_POST['role'])) { update_user_meta($customer_id, 'role', sanitize_text_field($_POST['role'])); } } add_action('woocommerce_created_customer', 'WC_save_registration_form_fields');