In CodeIgniter, I’m working with a different language. I have declared my project name as a CONSTANT variable in application/config/constant.php
define('COMPANY', 'CPMG');
My statement should be print like this “Notify CPMG/ Remarketing of Thailand if personal property is not accessible”
So I have to define statement in application/language/english/english_lang.php
$lang['note'] = 'Notify CPMG/ Remarketing of Thailand if personal property is not accessible';
Now, I want to use my constant variable in this place of CPMG
It’s possible to use a constant variable in language files?
Try using sprintf function as below:
$lang['note'] = 'Notify %s/ Remarketing of Thailand if personal property is not accessible';
Use the string as follows:
echo sprintf($this->lang->line('note'),COMPANY);