I am trying to modify single field value, but whenever I do it it erases all other fields leaving updated field only, how can I modify a single field witouth affecting the other ones? so far this is what I’m doing:
// $updateResult2 = $coll_rutas->updateOne( /* LIMIT TO ROUTE ID */ [ "_id" => new MongoDBBSONObjectId($ruta_id) ], /* UPDATE VALUE */ [ '$set' => [ 'destinos.$[d]' => [ "horas" => "1", "minutos" => "15", "millas" => "150", "orden" => "1", "notas" => "demo notes", ], ], ], /* WHERE FILTER */ [ "upsert" => true, 'arrayFilters' => [ ['d.ciudad_id' => 47] ] ] ); //var_dump($updateResult2); exit;
This is the original mongo Object:
"destinos": [ { "ciudad_id": "47", "nombre_destino": "Salt Lake City, Utah", "horas": "0", "minutos": "0", "millas": "0", "orden": 1, "notas": null, "origenes": [ { "ciudad_id": "45", "nombre_origen": "Provo, Utah", "orden": 1, "notas": null, "base_price": 0 } ] } ],
With my changes it erases origenes array, ciudad_id and nombre destino, leaving it this way:
"destinos": [ { "horas": "1", "minutos": "15", "millas": "150", "orden": "1", "notas": "demo notes" ] } ],
With this code:
'$set' => [ 'destinos.$[d]' => [ "horas" => "1", "minutos" => "15", "millas" => "150", "orden" => "1", "notas" => "demo notes", ], ]
you are targeting the destinos.$[d]
element and replacing all of its contents with the new data structure.
You need to use the .(dot) notation to target each element in the nested array. It’s a bit verbose but this would work:
'$set' => [ 'destinos.$[d].horas' => "1", 'destinos.$[d].minutos' => "15", 'destinos.$[d].millas' => "150", 'destinos.$[d].orden' => "1", 'destinos.$[d].notas' => "demo notes" ]