I currently retrieve all data from db with my sql query below by sending request to server’s php file.
I need to post to the php file a variable as criteria for this mysql request, e.g WHERE carName=”Somecar” AND slice=3. How can I add the criteria to my request and can I continue to still use the UnityWebRequest.kHttpVerbGET and the ToFileDownloadHandler below?
Current Unity request:
Debug.Log("Retrieving existing data from server."); UnityWebRequest myWebRequest = new UnityWebRequest(path, UnityWebRequest.kHttpVerbGET); myWebRequest.downloadHandler = new ToFileDownloadHandler(new byte[64 * 1024], savePathWithFileName); yield return myWebRequest.SendWebRequest();
And php:
$stmt = $conn->prepare("SELECT id, carName, thisCarImg, i_width, i_heigth, i_depth, b_width, b_heigth, b_depth, f_depth, m_width, m_heigth, i_date, slope, slice, slopeName, sliceName FROM $myTable") $stmt->execute();
The best I could think is adding php as an additional tag although the question is how to add a form to Unity’s query – using the form received in php is a different matter.
you have to add the parameters in path
eg. sample.php?Somecar=122&slice=1
This way you can achieve this unity input in API call to PHP on GET request, if you are using POST then you can use WWWForm class.