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unable to display session variables in a non-auth application

I’m trying to store and retrieve form data in laravel session. My app is non-auth, meaning users are not required to register, hence no authentication. After attempting to store form data in session, when I try to output it says:

“Trying to get property ‘name’ of non-object”

Why do I get this? Does laravel session by default work only with authentication? If not, how do I solve this? Is there a workaround? View code below, thanks.


$request->session()->put('name', $request->input('name'));


<input type="text" value="{{session()->get('name')->name}}" id="name" name="name" />



I guess it’s the ->name which is the issue…it looks like what you placed in the session was just a simple string containing a name, so why do you now expect that value to have a name property of its own?

You can just output the session value directly, without that extra bit:

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