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Trouble with || operator

I have a page (titled PPC) and a custom post type (titled Presentations) that I don’t want certain elements to appear on. I thought this code would work :


Using each conditional by itself, without the ||, works fine. But when I combine them both and use the logical operator, nothing works. I’ve also tried taking the wrapping parentheses out as well, so it looks like this:


But then I get an error. What am I doing wrong here?



As you’ve written it, !is_page('PPC') || !is_singular('presentations') would roughly translate it as “one of neither of these” which is a logical absurbity. Within the evaulation of that expression, if it’s “not a PPC” it no longer matters whether or not it is “a presentation”, and vice-versa.

What you want is “either of these” is_page('PPC') || is_singular('presentations') prefixed with a “not” for:

! ( is_page('PPC') || is_singular('presentations') )

“Not either of these”.

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