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Tag: websocket

Websocket chat in Laravel isnt real time

I am creating a chat in Laravel Websocket i followed a youtube tutorial and the message goes to the other user they can talk with each other but i need to reload the page to get the message that was sent,its not real time.At the console before i send a message it says this error: Failed to load resource: the

WebSockets – send json data via php

I’m trying to send a fire-and-forget request from PHP to my websocket aws api gateway. I’ve set up an action called “sendmessage”. This is the code I’m using: However, nothing happens. If I use wscat, like: it works just fine. What am I doing wrong in my php code? Note: I need the socket connection to be persistent (the way

Illuminate Broadcasting BroadcastException No message

I’m using Laravel websocket written by beyoundcode. After couple of days, I’ve connected to and first step solved. But now, when I trigger an event, laravel has error at this point: this is my stacktrace screenshot: I read these questions and issues but nothing worked for me: Laravel Pusher exception: “IlluminateBroadcastingBroadcastException” Exception: Illuminate Broadcasting BroadcastException No message
