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Tag: wamp

WampServer orange icon

I am having problems with Wamp Server, the icon will never turn green. It is constantly stuck at orange. I have tried many ways, editing HOSTS file, .config files, disabling IIS, changing SKYPE’s port, quitting SKYPE, disabling World Wide Web publishing services etc… And under wamp server icon > Apache > Test port 80, it states that Apache is using

set_time_limit() has been disabled for security reasons

I need to set set_time_limit(0); in my PHP script but I get Warning: set_time_limit() has been disabled for security reasons I already tried increasing max_execution_time property in my php.ini with no effect. I’m running WAMP 2.4 with Apache 2.4.4 and PHP 5.4.12. EDIT: I’m running it on my localhost, not shared hosting Answer OK looks like I was just stupid…

what is the difference of absolute path in html and php?

I am developing a website on php, I have installed wamp on my personal computer and my website files are in the www folder of wamp. now considering www as my root folder i have a template folder in the root folder and file in the template folder. when I try to include this file in any other
