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Tag: symfony-panther

In Symfony/Panther when scraping, waitfor function will throw exception if it timesout – i need it to continue if item is not found

I have a database of clinics, and an url to each clinic. All clinic pages are the same in terms of html/css, with different content to scrape. However, some clinics have no content on their page, and this causes trouble for me. I have: If .facility is not present, the waitFor() will throw exception because of timeout. I need to

Panther Chrome WebDriver : Full screen?

In my functional test of my symfony 4 application, i use the Chrome Webdriver with PANTHER_NO_HEADLESS=1 to see what happen. My problem is : Chrome browser starting with Debug Tool (F12) and not in full screen. This is a problem because i want to test elements that appears only on full screen. My test : Command : Then How can
