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Tag: sql

wpdb query gives back a wrong result

I’ve written some code in my PHP snippet which is on my WordPress page and the wpdb query gives me always a wrong result. In WordPress In SQL phpmyadmin displayed 3 which is the correct result for that query What did I do wrong? May you help me in someway? Answer The reason why you’re getting 1 as a result

Laravel controller shows syntax error, unexpected variable “$user”, expecting “function” or “const”

I am creating a forgot password feature in my application and when creating my controller, I used this code: But the first line gives an syntax error, unexpected variable “$user”, expecting “function” or “const” error. Does anyone know what I am doing wrong? Answer Make Sure Your { } are correct..and the code inside a function,check ; are correct

utf8_encode difference between result in SQL and PHP

I’m using utf8_encode to make sure that the input from my users is transforming the special characters to a character where my MYSQL can do a search on. (My database is set in When I echo my query, I get a perfect query that I can run against my MYSQL (and I get an result). But when I do

Sum of amount for each date having ‘type’ column in sql

I have table expense_incomes, the structure for table is: I want the sum of expenses and incomes in two different arrays groupBy date. I have tried this code. (In the above Example) I want to push expense into expense_array and income into income_array for 2021-04-02. What I am getting now: Expected Array Structure: Answer I believe you want an aggregated

Import values from temporary table to another table?

I’m joining 3 tables: Currently, I’m fetching the data, build a new array and insert it into my final table. However, I wonder if it’s possible to do this in one go, so basically directly from the temporary table? Answer Yes. Use INSERT . . . SELECT: Note that I introduced table aliases. These make the query easier to write

Why would SQL update the date into tabel to 0000-00-00 00:00:00?

I am trying to update the field SEEN in a SQL table to the current time and date. Here is the code: It sets my SEEN field to 0000-00-00 00:00:00. If I write a specific date directly into the query, say “2021-03-10 02:30:00” it would write that date into the SEEN field. But instead of $now, it would output 0s.
