PHP reads just 2034 characters from the returned JSON string value from stored procedure “sp_test”. Why just 2034 characters and not more? Using PHP Version 5.6.31 with SQL Express 2017 $query = “…
Tag: sql-server
Please i am trying to connect to an mssql database on a different machine. Below is my code but i just keep getting a blank page. I dont know what the issue may be. i have installed php and the mssql drivers. Answer I would suggest that you display the connection error using sqlsrv_errors(). Load the PHP drivers in php.ini
PHP Warning PHP Startup Unable to load dynamic library php_pdo_sqlsrv_7_ts_x64.dll
OS: Windows 8.1 Arch: x64 php: PHP 7.1.6 mssql: Mssql Server 2014 express driver: SQLSRV 4.0 IDE: PhpStorm I’m trying to get mssql drivers to work. I downloaded the pdo driver from …
Identify date format from a string in PHP
I am trying to update all of the date fields in the database to add 5 days to each date in all tables. I managed to pull the dates and row id into an array then generate a SQL code statement to …
General error: 20003 Adaptive Server connection timed out [20003] (severity 6)
Hi Following is error what I am getting:- I am trying to connect to MS-SQL-Server on windows from linux laravel 5.2 code snippet. There is firewall disable on windows machine. I am able to telnet on windows ip on ms sql default available port. I am not using free TDS, so this is not duplicate of TDS and even that
connect Symfony 3 application to an external SQL database in (asterisk server)
I am developing a VoIP administration platform based on asterisk and I am not be able to connect to my asterisk server from a web app developed with Symfony 3. I want to connect to my SQL database existing on asterisk server which is running on virtual machine from my web application and execute some queries like INSERT, UPDATE, SELECT,
Fatal error: Call to undefined function sqlsrv_connect() using wamp php 5.5.12
I am trying to connect to a Azure data base. I have read many other stack overflow answers but they did not work for me: -I have downloaded all the drivers that Azure offers to you. They are in C:…
SQL Argument data type int is invalid for argument 1 of charindex function
I’m trying to convert MySQL query to MsSql query but I’m having trouble. Here is my query: MySQL SELECT *, (SELECT count( FROM books WHERE books.status = 1 AND FIND_IN_SET(…
codeigniter add N in sql Query INSERT unicode text
I am working with codeigniter / SQL. Where I want to insert unicode string with ‘N’ Prefix the insert. How can I achieve it in regular insert. Regular Code: INSERT Trying to Achieve: Is there any way to achive the above insert instead of manually writing the Query.? Answer This is the simplest way to do it. Or, if the
Laravel connect to a SQL Server 2008 named instance
I am trying to connect an SQL server from an Ubuntu machine, everythings works great except for named instances: this works this doesn’t I always end up with this error: I have tried every possible combination: host INSTANCE host / INSTANCE host \ INSTANCE Can someone help me ? Edit: Because I have also tried without instance name (as