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Tag: routes

Getting Controller does not exist after moving my controller to sub folder in laravel 5

I have created a resource full route which was pointing to a CRUD controller in App/Http/Controller/SeatController.php my Route in api.php Route::resource(‘websites’, ‘SeatController’); I wanted to put all controllers related to Seat inside a directory. I created a directory named Seat and I moved all of my controllers related to Seat to it. it’s path is : AppHttpControllersSeatSeatController before change it’s

Class AppHttpControllersWelcomeController does not exist

I’m new in Laravel and I can’t understand why the controller doesn’t work. Can you help me? Thanks. This is the routes.php file: routes.php This is the WelcomeController controller: WelcomeController.php and this is the exception trowed: ReflectionException in Container.php line 737: Class AppHttpControllersWelcomeController does not exist Answer You need a WelcomeController.php file in directory Controllers, and you have it in
