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Tag: rest

PHP/JavaScript apparently not detecting JSON API as valid

I’m trying to make a simple API with PHP and a way to retrieve data from it in JavaScript but I keep getting the following error: SyntaxError: Unexpected token < in JSON at position 0. The JSON is valid and I’m not sure what is causing the error… I’ve tried setting headers and the data is encoded with json_encode() so

Secure way for PHP REST api?

I am developing the PHP based REST api. I have android app which will send some key parameters to server and the server will respond with the data. In this case, the email is the key element to get all the relevant data. If I want to make it secure, I can save password in sharedPreferences and send it at

Fill custom CRM fields in Bitrix via REST API

I have the need to fill custom fields in Bitrix24 CRM via REST API. When it comes to working on standard fields (like TITLE, TEL, etc) it works, but if I try to valorize a custom field by putting it’s property name in the request the endpoint simply ignores it. Here you have a snippet: Did anyone have the same
