I install php8.1 following on this website https://computingforgeeks.com/how-to-install-php-8-on-amazon-linux/ librenms on this website https://docs.librenms.org/Installation/Installation-CentOS-7-Nginx/ And it did show the version with this command but it will show “php command not found” on this command after that I wanna install librenms and I follow the instructions on the librenms-documents and type this installation command the error will come out like this If
Tag: repository
Should Controller Layer cannot use Repository Layer?
I’m confused about Controller use Repository directly. Is it Repository layer must encapsulated by Service layer? I’m using like this now in Laravel: Is is Bad to use Repository Layer directly from Controller Layer? Answer Note: In regard of MVC-based applications, this answer is a general one. It does not refer to Laravel, in particular. The controller: In a proper
Symfony 5 / Doctrine: Sorting entity collection by creation DateTime
I am developing a project using Symfony 5. One of my use-cases involves reading a collection from the Database, with the items sorted by creation order, descending (newest first). I am using the “Timestampable” extension from “stof/doctrine-extensions-bundle” to save the createdAt and updatedAt timestamps in my entity. According to Doctrine documentation, I can sort items ussing the Repository methods: This
Getting the Linked Model Correctly in the Cycle ORM
There was a problem: The project uses Cycle ORM, there are 2 Entities. I am trying to link them using annotation like so: But when accessing $repository->findOne()->getCourt() I get: But I want to get Entity. How can I do this correctly? The option works if you add the annotations fetch = “eager” to the parameters, but then it will be
PHP make subfile of a placeholder file?
I have the following structure for my site: ./u/ ./u/profile.php ./u/comics.php profile.php is filtered with the viewer’s username. For example, the account Venk would be ./u/Venk. I need comics.php to somehow be a subfolder of this but I’m not sure how to go about doing so. It should end up looking like this: ./u/Venk/comics. How can I get this to