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Tag: regex

PHP regular expression

What is purpose of the following code? What kind of $string match this expression? Why there is a character @? Answer That regular expression will match any <script>…</style> or <style>…</style> (X)HTML blocks in the string and remove them. This is most likely done to prevent users from inserting these (potentially harmful) tags into data that you might echo back to

Altering .htaccess with PHP – removing a rewrite rule

I am using PHP to remove/add static pages once a page has been deleted, I want to be able to remove it from the .htaccess, however I’ve tried this, but it throws an error: Warning: preg_replace() [function.preg-replace]: Unknown modifier ” in … The code: This is an example of what it should fully remove: Answer You have to escape the

Japanese/chinese email addresses?

I’m making some site which must be fully unicode. Database etc are working, i only have some small logic error. Im testing my register form with ajax if fields are valid, in email field i check with regular expressions. However if a user has a email address like 日本人@日人日本人.com it isn’t coming trough. This type of mail addresses exist? Are

php regex number and + sign only

I need a php function to validate a string so it only can contains number and plus (+) sign at the front. Example: +632444747 will return true 632444747 will return true 632444747+ will return false …

Remove style attribute from HTML tags

I’m not too good with regular expressions, but with PHP I’m wanting to remove the style attribute from HTML tags in a string that’s coming back from TinyMCE. So change <p style=”…”>Text</p> to just vanilla <p>Test</p>. How would I achieve this with something like the preg_replace() function? Answer The pragmatic regex (<[^>]+) style=”.*?” will solve this problem in all reasonable

PHP regular expression – filter number only

I know this might sound as really dummy question, but I’m trying to ensure that the provided string is of a number / decimal format to use it later on with PHP’s number_format() function. How would I do it – say someone is typing 15:00 into the text field – what regular expression and php function should I use to

Stripping a string of its non-numeric characters

I have a phone number stored in $phone, it looks like this: (555) 555-5555. I want it to look like this: 5555555555. How do I take the string and strip it of hyphens, spaces, and parenthesis? Answer With a regexp. Specifically, use the preg_replace function:

Parse inline CSS values with Regex?

I have such an inline CSS like this color:#777;font-size:16px;font-weight:bold;left:214px;position:relative;top:70px The CSS may end with a semicolon “;” or not. It also can contain extra space …
