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Tag: phpexcel

PHPExcel Multiple Dropdown list that dependent

I am trying to set up multiple dropdowns in phpexcel that are dependent. Basically, when you select a value in a dropdown in a column A, it loads different content in the dropdown in column B. I am able to comfortably set up dropdown lists on cells. I am trying to figure out how to load content based on selection

phpexcel freeze row and columns

I’m trying to freeze the top row and the first 3 columns in a worksheet, using PHPExcel. I can freeze the row without any problem: $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->freezePane(‘A2’); Or I can …

PHPExcel: Download the Excel file on the client side

The problem was solved: For other users that may have this problem – notice the encoding of the PHP file. If you use PHPExcel it must be ANSII encoding and not UTF8, otherwise the EXCEL will be downloaded corruptly. The Headers that were added (answer 1) solved the problem after i changed the encoding of the file itself. I am

Download a file with an ajax call

I am using PHPExcel to read an excel template, populate the data, and ask the user to download the file. generate_excel.php When I open generate_excel.php directly from the browser, the result file is downloaded. But if I make an ajax call to the generate_excel.php, I don’t get the download prompt. Using chrome developer tools, I can see from the Network

PHPExcel very slow – ways to improve?

I am generating reports in .xlsx using PHPExcel. It was okay in the initial testing stages with small data sets (tens of rows, 3 sheets), but now when using it on a real production data with over 500 rows in each sheet, it becomes incredibly slow. 48 seconds to generate a file, and when running a report that combines more

PHPExcel Column Loop

How can I do a loop which based on Excel worksheet columns? I found (and used) WorksheetIterator, RowIterator and CellIterator but nothing about columns. Answer There is no ColumnIterator, so you’ll have to do this by hand. For any given worksheet: To loop rows for a column: To loop columns in a row, you can take advantage of PHP’s Perls-style
