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Tag: php-amqplib

How to manage big spikes of connections to RabbitMQ

Our rabbitmq server can’t keep up with connections when we have spikes above 3000 connections/second, and new connections take long to stablish (reaching 3s limit we have for failing). We need publishers to return fast as any delay transmit to user experience. We are currently looking at coding a load balance of connections to a second rabbitmq server as a

PHP RabbitMQ consumer stops consuming events

I have a php daemon, which uses php-amqplib, that consumes messages from RabbitMQ server. Here is a gist of it (though it’s a bit more complex than that): When I run it in the background, it handles the events, writes output and errors to various logs and I can see in RabbitMQ control panel that the queue has consumers. Then
