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Tag: opencart-3

Filter qry to get data according to Another Table

This is query to get all categories available in database. to get this output So, i am trying to get only that categories listed in rma_mapping_category(this has category_id column) so i tried this, but syntax got wrong by adding this(AND rma_mapping_category rma)… ///////////////////// Also tried this… ////////////////////// by this i am getting all categories rather than just rma_mapping_category Same result

opencart error Fatal error: Uncaught Exception: Error: Unknown column

So first of I apologize for my rocky explanation. My PHP skills need serious refinement. I did get this error Fatal error: Uncaught Exception: Error: Unknown column ‘is_unlimited’ in ‘field list’Error No: 1054INSERT INTO oc_seller_group SET product_id = ‘1202’ ,gquantity = ‘0’,gprice = ’59’,group_commission = ‘0’,expiry = ’30’,membership_type = ‘stm’,trial_status = ‘0’,group_image = ‘catalog/Image.jpg’, defaultCategoryProduct = ‘0’,defaultCategoryQuantity = ‘0’, defaultCategoryPrice
