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Tag: microsoft-graph-api

Planner Plan get ID

I’m trying to get all the plans in a group and then their buckets and tasks. I’m using PHP and the Graph SDK I can get the plans in a group like this: Now I want to get the buckets, but that call requires the plan ID. and the plan ID is a protected member of ModelPlannerPlan::class. The ModelPlannerPlan->getBuckets() does

php get sharepoint list items with microsoft graph API

I’ve access to a sharepoint list and i want to get the items from it with the graph API I can view the list items in the browser on this URL: https://[TENANT_DOMAIN_NAME][SITE_NAME]/Lists/[LIST_NAME] Created an azure app and setup the authentication with my work microsoft account, installed the msgraph-sdk-php The authentication is working, i can view the list informations with this
