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Tag: mamp

Database connection not configured

I am currently doing a local project, using MAMP with PHP version 7.4.21 and I can’t seem to run my system because the database is not configured correctly. Here’s my .env and here’s my database.php Answer DB_CONNECTION is the driver that you will use

Windows MAMP – PHP CURL Issue

I’m having issues with Windows MAMP Pro 3.3.1 getting PHP’s CURL to work. More specifically issue is that I can send requests to APIs using curl_exec, but it always returns false. When I tried to do the same thing with XAMPP it returns full response with no issues. I tried changing PHP version, I checked that php curl extensions is

How to change PHP version on MAMP 4.1

I downloaded MAMP 4.1 on my Mac; by default, the only PHP versions I can use are 7.0.15 and 7.1.1 How can I use PHP 5.6? I tried the solution here Which says I should rename the versions I don’t …

change the PHP path to MAMPs PHP

I’m running PHP with MAMP on OSX 10.5.8 So if I want to run a script from console I always need to write which is annoying. Is there a way to change the default path to php so that I can write and still uses MAMPs PHP version? Answer Create a file called .bash_profile on your home directory (if you

zipArchive with MAMP?

trying to work out how to install zipArchive extension with MAMP, but not having much luck any know how to do this? I have no idea Answer Answering my own question for completeness. JUST UPGRADE MAMP!!! Sorry for shouting 😉

How do I install the php_gd2 extension in MAMP on a Mac?

I’m running MAMP 1.7.2 on a Mac and I’d like to install the extension php_gd2. How do I do this? I know that on Windows using WAMP I’d simply select the php_gd2 entry in the extensions menu to activate it. How is it done when using MAMP? I know that I can do it using MacPorts but I’d prefer not
