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Tag: laravel

Values Not Updated in Database

I have a product attribute table, in that, I have 2 text fields. So when I enter the values in all text field box. And when I press the update button. the first input row is updated successfully but the others not. Here is the picture of the blade file: Here is my code Blade.php ProductsController.php Answer Upgrade your ProductsController.php

how to pass form data to controller

I am not getting how to pass data to the controller to update data, below I have given code. // below is my jquery which I am using to pass form data to the controller. // below is my route // inside controller I am having a function called edit profile Answer Is your form method set to ‘POST’? If

How can drop colum in table

Is this query is correct? I’m using Laravel 8, and I want to drop a column in a table. But this query isn’t working. Answer you should use To drop a column, you may use the dropColumn method on the schema builder blueprint: first, you can create a migration file: then, in that migration, make sure you code will be:

Detect if array contains another array

I’m using external API for my website. When user select city and town, API returns neighborhoods. But the problem is, if there is only one neighborhood array contains name and neighborhood id. But if there is more than one, it contains multiple array for each neighborhood. Single example ; Multiple Example ) I have to show data to user inside

Laravel 8 Named error bag during registration

Before you mark this question as a duplicate of this question, first understand that this question is based on Laravel 8 while the former is on Laravel 5.4 which handle the auth differently. I would like to add a named error bag on laravel validation during registration. I am using the default laravel auth Below is the class that handles

Improve eager loading with multiple relationships of the same type

I have the following model: When I do Message::with([‘sender’, ‘receiver’])->all(), eager loading executes the following queries: That’s almost the least redundant way possbile. But it still loads user 3 and user five two times. Is there a way to further improve this using eloquent and eager loading? Answer No, not really. The example you provided is an exception, nothing tells

PHPUnit assertDatabaseHas with Laravel and Inertia

I have a Laravel 8 setup that utilises Intertia.js. I’m trying to test my post routes to store new resources and want to assert that the database has the new record stored, using the assertDatabaseHas() method. Controller.php CreateSlotTest.php When I debug the session I can see the slot that I added to the with() method but I can’t figure out

check expire time for each verification code

In the code below i check If there is a record for the user Check if ‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍exprire_at is smaller than it is now, it will expire and create a new code, otherwise show the user a message. But in both cases a new code is created What is the problem Answer change to and to
