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Tag: laravel

how to limiting word on the laravel blade?

I’m looking to find out how to limit word in laravel blade. I’ve coded using substr, but it’s still not working properly. Can anyone help me? Answer The Str::words method limits the number of words in a string. An additional string may be passed to this method via its third argument to specify which string should be appended to the

How to call specific data from column database in Laravel 8

I want to call specific value from field column in my database.. Let say i have table called posts, my table have field called post_meta_title and have value home How do i call only that value to show in my meta tags.. I have tried it, and it show error Property [post_meta_title] does not exist on this collection instance Does

How to calculate balance in payment and invoice page in laravel?

I have this page showing invoice and payments, I want to calculate balance at end each row of the table. I have my records sorted on DESC order that’s why I am unable to get it right. The result is in below picture, It is sorted by created at, I want that the type Payment is deducted from the balance

Laravel 5.8: Can you help me with this problem

I’m using Laravel 5.8 to develop my Online Store. And in this store, every product has a field of prd_delivery and it can be set one of these values: city_free_delivery country_free_delivery null When it is null, it means that it does not have any free delivery type. And when users select their products, these situations must be applied: Note that
