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Tag: laravel

Rollbar is not seen by Laravel 8.0

I have installed the Rollbar 7.0 into Laravel 8.0. PHP version is 7.4 I am trying to send a test exception message using a simple Console command but that sends me nothing. My configs are the following: config/app.php: config/logging.php: config/services.php (but seems to be that it doesn’t work) app.env: And the console command itself has the following view: So when

Laravel Relationship Getting All Children

I have a query which returns a table. I would like to also return a list of styles which relate to it from another table. I have tried many things but I can’t find one which works. Any advice? Query: YarnOrderLines: YarnOrderLineStyles (table with relating styles in I would like to pull in) Answer You’re already getting 2 relations from

Use explode on array?

What’s the easiest way to turn the array into Is there something built-in with laravel/collections that I can use? I know I can make a foreach loop and use explode and populate a new array, but I’m wondering if there is a built-in function in PHP or a laravel collections method I can use. Answer I think you’re looking for

how to pass parameters to listener in laravel?

I registered LogConnectionFailed like this: The ConnectionFailed event is fired if no response is received for a given request. I need to The name of the class and the method in which this happened and duration time call http client in LogConnectionFailed class. Answer This is not possible through normal parameter passing, so I utilized PHP native function debug_backtrace() and
