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Tag: laravel

search autocomplete ajax in laravel

I am using ajax for live searching, but the problem is that It is shown only one result when I am using .html() but when I am using append() it works but every word i write it to duplicate the results, here is my code: in controller, ajax code in blade Answer Yes you set your content in your loop

Many-to-many in same model

I need to use a many-to-many relationship to one model. I have an Article model, and I want to make a function so that other articles, typically recommended, can be attached to one article. This is the function, it should work correctly. I have a question about how to create a table of relations in the database and in the

use multiple Trait in laravel Controller

problem in use multiple Trait in Controller Traits in CRController error log exec command… composer dump-autoload composer dump-autoload -o php artisan config:clear php artisan view:clear php artisan route:clear php artisan cache:clear not wotking! Answer This is called Conflict Resolution. In a simple terms, you need to select a default name method so to speak. To resolve naming conflicts between Traits

Laravel – Eager loading from model relationship

On my page, I have the following pagination query: In the blade template, I @foreach $followingUsers as $follower In this foreach loop, there is the following check: This is referencing I’m using the Laravel N+1 detector, and this is telling me that this I should do the following: You should add “with(‘AppFollower’)” to eager-load this relation. Which of course won’t

How to add array inside array based on PHP condition?

I have a laravel collection below from: $unitinventory = DB::select(‘call wh_inventory_list(?)’, array(‘Units’)); And another collection: $modifification = collect(DB::table(‘pd_jo_bodymodification’)->get()); I want to find out if a $unitinventory->chassis_no has a modification history so I did this: Which returns the following: Now I want to add the conversion history to $unitinventory collection to look like this: How to make it possible? Thanks! Answer

Passing values to blade using redirect() and back() functions

I have successfully pass values from form to controller. Calculation is is working well, since its dump all the values using dd($fee); dd($vat); dd($Transaction_vat);. But now, when I try to pass the values to blade using return redirect()->back()->with(‘fee’, $fee ,’vat’, $vat , ‘Transaction_vat’, $Transaction_vat); , only fee is captured $fee and the rest of the data is ommitted. This is

How to add arrays with the same months in a loop?

Array Months Array Values of Months So, I wanted to add the number that falls in the same month Desired Output Code: Output: Please help me figure this out. Thank you. Answer Your problem is that you are not considering that on the 2nd time you arrive at a month that already exists you need to add it to the
