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Tag: laravel

problem with metadata of multiple audio files using laravel

I’m creating a music player using Laravel. I’m trying to implement ‘laravel-getid3’ package into my project. Here is my code which processes the file and uploads it to the database This code can handle multiple files but is very limited i.e. can only gather a limited amount of info from the files. Trying to implement the package i.e. if I

Fetch image variable and display on input file

I am trying to update an image and other data in a database, but when I update only text data, the image value becomes null or empty. This a controller When I input only the title, left out the image, and tried to dump using dd($image);, I got a null value. When updating the image, it’s getting updated very well

Serialize form validation Laravel 8

could not validate an array of input in laravel 8. from the frontside I have gotten the serialized form data which was successfully accessible from the backend. what I want is to validate the form inside the update function before I update the data when the user changes. what I have tried on the validation function is below looking recommendation

Encountering “404 NOT FOUND” for Laravel update/edit

in edit_customer: web.php //Customer related pages Profile.php (controller) Answer You are using route group prefix “customer”, so your url in the form should be prefixed url(‘customer/update_customer’, [ ‘cust’ => $cust->id ] Your url for the from, to hit the update_customer function should be customer/update_customer/{id} so this should look like this And a good practice is tou use route name

Laravel 8 (PHP) & Google Cloud Speech API: Streaming calls are not supported while using the REST transport.)

Wassup Guys, I’ve managed to install the Google Cloud Speech Api and use my .json file as credentials for the speech client. Now I’m getting the “Streaming calls are not supported while using the REST transport.” error. Did I miss something? Below is the method of my controller. AudioController.php Answer Make sure gRPC for PHP is installed and enabled. Check
