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Tag: laravel-passport

Call AccessTokenController.issueToken() directly from Code

I am using Laravel Passport to secure my REST API. Currently I create Personal Access Tokens using $user->createToken(‘APP_NAME’)->accessToken, but these have no expiration date. So I wanted to create a Password Access Token. I noticed, that these are generated by the AccessTokenController.issueToken() method. But I could not find anything on how I can call it. My current solution Answer I

Laravel 5.4 Passport: unsupported_grant_type

Hello I try to do a web application and I have a problem. When I request the token from /oauth/token I receive this response: And my code is: And the request header: Response header: Post data: I don’t have any other detail. Answer You need to install a password client for Passport. Assuming you’ve installed and configured Passport, to generate

Laravel Passport Get Client ID By Access Token

I’m writing a tiny sms gateway to be consumed by a couple of projects, I implemented laravel passport authentication (client credentials grant token) Then I’ve added CheckClientCredentials to api middleware group: The logic is working fine, now in my controller I need to get client associated with a valid token. routes.php For obvious security reasons I can never send the
