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Tag: laravel-5.7

Laravel question, How to use _GET on Blade

I have a question that I cant solve at this moment. I have and URL like this: i put the date on the URL with the next function: In this example $datevar is equal to “2020-02-26” My question is, How can I show the $datevar in my blade? Im trying with {{$datevar}} but I get an error. To put

Is there a insertUsing with ignore option?

In Laravel there exist two useful methods in DB facade: insertOrIgnore() – allows ignore action when duplicate is being inserted insertUsing() – allows insert data based on data from another tables I need to combine these two approaches i.e. insert data based on existing data and ignore duplicates. Do you know any way to do it in Laravel 5.7 or

Laravel 5.7 unable to load `storage/framework/cache/data` and write into `./storage/logs/laravel-2019-06-11.log`

I have a project under laravel 5.7 installation and for some reason I get the following error: In order to mitigate the error I tried the following: Permission Based tries: artistan based attempts: php-fpm default user settings: Also for the development I use vagrant with the following Vagrantfile located at the root of my project: But any of these failed

Laravel old method not returning password values

I’m currently learning Laravel and I’m creating a register form. When the form has errors I want to repopulate the input fields with their old values. My form looks like this: For readibility I removed all labels, classes and ids from the input files. It looks like Laravel doesn’t ‘want’ to repopulate input fields with the old password filled in.

Interface ‘MonologResettableInterface’ not found when running a new project

Whenever I try to run any command related to php artisan or composer this error shows up: PHP Fatal error: Interface ‘MonologResettableInterface’ not found in pathtoprojectrootvendormonologmonologsrcMonologLogger.php on line 28 I open the file, and it points me to : class Logger implements LoggerInterface, ResettableInterface I try to find the Logger interface and it’s there. I really can’t find any other
