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Tag: instagram-graph-api

Refreshing Instagram long-lived access token works in browser (http) but not PHP (curl)

hope you can help. I’m trying to implement Instagram’s Basic Display API but unfortunately I’m running into problems generating a long-lived access token or refreshing an existing long-lived token using PHP/cURL. It seems I’m far from the only one having this or similar issues. I followed Facebooks getting-started guide (located here) and was able to generate a short-lived access token,

“Invalid platform app” error using Instagram Basic Display API

I am trying to use Instagram Basic display API but when I post the authorization code to get the access token I keep getting the following error {“error_type”: “OAuthException”, “code”: 400, “error_message”: “Invalid platform app”} I am following all the steps mentioned here -> and Yes I am using the Instagram app ID and It’s client secret which is
