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Tag: html

Change dates in fixed link and execute link

I have link like this: How to create a form with two input date fields and combine them into one link like one above? I want to pick dateFrom and dateTo separately and click GO to visit the link. Is that possible to create in HTML? I would like to put it in my bookmark because I use the

JQuery fails to load when i use a php variable

I’m incorporating PHP code into JQuery like this: The PHP variable shows as blue, there are no errors showing, but when I run it it refuses to work. I’ve tested everything else and I’m 100% sure PHP is the one causing the problem. How can I fix this? Answer If $c is your php variable you will need to quote

PHP MYSQL Results into a table

I have a PHP/MySQL query that returns the following: The months return in an ordered fashion (E.g. January records are always before February records). However, not every user will have a result every month (see above). And I want my data to present such as this, in an html table: Here is my (non working) attempt: Which unfortunately results in

Sending Data from PHP to Javascript to PHP

I don’t understand how to explain my question, but I’m trying to say what I wanted to do. I have created a modal to submit ‘payment’ for each person. I have created the list of person in a table with PHP loop, and a button against each person so that payment can be done by clicking the button. When I

Update the data of an existing table in PHP

I need to make a table of searches made by the user in php. My code fails to encapsulate every new result in the table. I’d like you not to create a new table every time and delete the data, but to gradually add to the data already in the table. Also I have a problem with highlighting accents or
