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Tag: google-sheets-api

Updating spreadsheet data with Google Spreadsheet api and php suddenly not working with authentication error

In a form which takes input and updates the value in a spreadsheet. It was working fine before but suddenly stopped working with this error message: According to other questions and answers it is because of authentication problem, but the form was working for 5 years with the same authentication so it is confusing. Is there any other reason for

“Invalid requests[0].updateCells: Invalid field” when using barchUpdate on googlespreadsheet API

So I was able to fix an error I had, but now I am getting an error for the field entered through the setFields method. I thought you could put any string, but it seems that it’s not the case at all. The documentation doesn’t seem to provide what might be the issue. I get the error: The documentation

Get Cell Format from Google Sheet API

I’d like to retrieve the format/type of the cell that set in google sheet, for example Plain text, Number, Date, Time and etc from the Google Sheet API. Google Sheet format screenshot here. Google Sheet Sample I’m using the API from this Srijan’s reference, it only able to pull out the values of the cells, but I need the format

Changing Cell Colour With Google Sheets API (PHP)

I’m trying to change a ranges colour via the Google Sheets API in PHP. I have done around an hour of researchig. The code below is as far as I’ve got. If I take out this: Then the code works to update the sheets title. However, I can’t seem to update a ranges colour. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

Google sheets API range issue

I have a google sheet like this. Those values are just place holders at the moment for my headers When I run my PHP script with $range = ‘Sheet!F2:L2’; to insert records into the google sheet via API/service account and I only want to start inserting at ROW F for all attempts, it inserts fine on the 1st attempt but
