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Tag: google-drive-api

Upload Google Drive Files – PNG, JPEG, PDF

I currently have a function that successfully uploads jpg files to google drive. I was wondering how to modify the function so that I can upload pdf, jpg, png, and docx files to google drive as well. Here is my code: Any help is appreciated. Thanks. Answer In the case that the files of pdf, jpg, png, and docx are

How can I show images from a Google Drive folder?

I am building a testing website. In login confirmation, I have to show the examinee their pictures, which is already saved in Google Drive Folder. This is what I used to get the file ID. Now in order to preview the image to the page, do I have to download the image (then delete it later) in order to show

Google Drive API v3: Invalid field selection

I am using Google Drive API v3 to access about the drive like space quota. And, no matter what I do, I am stuck with this error: Please check that I am already making a perfect URL for the call: GET But, still there is this error. Is there any parameter I am missing? Please, can anyone tell me

How to embed Google Drive images into a webpage?

I have a website that I am designing and I want to use a folder in a google drive to store the images. The issue is that I can’t seem to find how to get the URL for these images. The actual use of this needs to be that anyone with permissions for the google folder can drop in an
