WooCommerce has settings for what the default country should be for customer. It can be disabled, set to shop address country, or set by geolocation. My issue is that when using the geolocation option, if that fails to return a country that’s permissible on the store, it will now revert to using the shop address country. What I would like
Tag: geolocation
CloudFlare cached pages – country detection
I’m working on a purchase page for a new product that the inventor is expecting to receive significant media coverage for (time will tell…). We’re building a simple 1-page product page using HTML, CSS and using Stripe’s (hosted) checkout pages. We’re trying to minimise the amount of back-end logic needed as this is less able to be cached by CloudFlare.
Disable all payment gateways except BACS based on geo-ip country in Woocommerce
In Woocommerce, I am using the code made from this answer thread which enables ALL payment gateways if the user’s GEO IP is from an array of allowed countries. Here the allowed country code that I …
Get location from latitude and longitude in PHP
I want to get address, city, state and country in different variables so that I can display it separately but due to different latlong, somewhere I am getting whole address and somewhere only state and country, so I am not able to get a specific address due to changing latlong. Here is my code: Answer Try Below one:
Get geolocation by Javascript and save it to text file via php
I want to get latitude and longitude of the guest and save them to a text file.. I used this: window….
PHP Latitude Longitude to Address
I have a form on my website where a user enters an address of a place. When they submit the form, I convert this location into latitude/longitude and store this in a MySQL Database. I am using Google’s Geocode service for this conversion. The problem is that I can’t find either a class or a service to convert that latitude/longitude
Get coordinates from script tag, image tag, link
I’m building a search engine for deals and I put all deals on a map, so I need coordinates from websites with scraping. So, coordinates can be on scrit, tag, image, link, etc. Is there any tool or any script, framework, that help me to quick get coordinates from some web sites ? How to do that? With PHP, XPath,
PHP to Javascript Arrays and GPS locations
I’m making a script that will hopefully be mainly PHP so it doesn’t require Javascript later on, but right now I’m stuck on a few things. What is the best way to store GPS locations, and then compare them? I could use to store them in a database (currently using MySQL), and then find people nearby with some code, but